Spouse Visa Cash Savings After April 2024

If you first applied for your UK spouse visa after 11 April 2024, the financial requirement for a spouse visa through cash savings is £88,500.

If you applied for a UK spouse visa before 11 April 2024, the financial requirement for a spouse visa through savings is £62500. You can call us at +441614644140 for immediate help with your spouse visa application.

Cash Savings Guidance for £88,500 UK Spouse Visas

If you first applied for a UK spouse visa after 11 April 2024, then the financial requirement to meet through savings is £88,500.

Cash Savings Guidance for 62,500 UK Spouse Visas for applications made before 11 April 2024

If you and your partner have a minimum of £62,500 cash savings, then you can meet UK Spouse visa financial requirements using £62500 cash savings. However, you will need more than £62,500 in cash savings if you are applying for a Spouse visa with any dependent children (under 18) to meet the financial requirements.

The general rule is that cash savings must have been in the bank for six months or longer for a UK spouse visa.

Cash Savings For ILR – Financial requirement for spouse visas – cash savings

The £62,500 requirement reduces to £34,600 where the application is applying for ILR and the applicant first applied for a spouse visa before 11 April 2024.

How to use Cash Savings to meet spouse visa financial requirements?

An amount based on the cash savings above £16,000 held by the applicant, their partner, or both jointly or a child dependant relative who is over 18 for at least the 6 months prior to the date of application and under their control can count towards the financial requirement under Category D. (£16,000 is the level of savings at which a person generally ceases to be eligible for income-related benefits).

Can I combine cash savings with other sources of income?

Category D: Cash savings can be combined with income from Category A: salaried and non-salaried employment, part (1) of Category B: salaried and non-salaried employment, Category C: non-employment income and Category E: pension in order to meet the financial requirement.

However, cash savings cannot be combined with self-employment income, or with income from employment as a director or employee of a specified limited company in the UK, under either Category F or Category G.

Calculating Cash Savings – Appendix FM

At the entry clearance/initial leave to remain stage and the further leave stage, the amount of cash savings above £16,000 must be divided by 2.5 (to reflect the 2.5-year or 30month period before the applicant will have to make a further application) to give the amount which can be used in meeting the financial requirement.

Does the £88,500 cash savings have to be in the UK?

It is not mandatory to have all the cash savings physically held in the UK to meet the financial requirement of a spouse visa application via cash savings. All or some of the money can be held overseas.

Spouse visa cash savings declaration letter

You must provide a declaration with your application highlighting the source of funds of the savings held for the spouse visa. Our spouse visa lawyers can draft the spouse visa source of funds declaration for you.

Documents required for £88500 Cash Savings

Savings must be held in cash in a personal bank/savings account in the name of the applicant, their partner or the couple jointly. The savings can be from any legal source, including a gift from a family member or other third party, provided the source of the cash savings is declared. The applicant and/or their partner must confirm that the money, which cannot be borrowed, is under their control and evidence that it has been held in their bank account for at least 6 months prior to the date of application.

  • These are the requirements that must be met:
  • the bank/savings account is a current, deposit or investment account
  • the account is held in a financial institution regulated by the appropriate regulatory body for the country in which that institution is operating
  • regular bank statements are provided
  • the statements cover the necessary time period required in the Immigration Rules
  • the savings are held in cash (or their cash value is clear)
  • the savings can be immediately withdrawn (with or without penalty)
  • the funds are under the control of the person and/or their partner for the
  • the necessary time period required in the Immigration Rules
  • the source of the funds is legal
  • the source of the funds has been declared

How to meet spouse visa financial requirements?

The financial requirements that an applicant must meet in order to make a successful spouse visa application are set out in Appendix FM of the Immigration Rules.

There are different ways to meet the Spouse visa financial requirements:

  • Via gross annual income of at least £29,000; or
  • Via £88,500 in cash savings (if solely relying on cash savings); or
  • Via a combination of income and cash savings (depending on the source of the income).

Why choose our spouse visa lawyers?

FAQs for spouse visa financial requirement through cash savings

Can I use savings for spouse visa?

Yes, you can use your savings to use towards financial requirements for a spouse visa application.

How much savings do I need for spouse visa?

The requirements that an applicant must meet to obtain a spouse visa are set out in Appendix FM of the Immigration Rules. These rules contain a minimum income requirement of at least £29,000 or a cash savings requirement of at least £88,500 (or a combination of both).

UK spouse visa savings evidence

The best evidence you can provide for personal savings is at least six months’ worth of bank statements which display regular in-payments from your employer, pension, or any other legal source of income, and the money slowly growing in your bank or savings account.

What is the 28 day rule for spouse visa?

This is where the documents you have provided in support of your application must not be older than 28 days before the day in which your application was submitted.