Appointment For Affordable Immigration Advice

We will waive the consultation fee from the agreed fixed fee if you instruct us to handle your immigration matter within 10 days from the consultation. We offer In-PersonSkype, or Phone consultation with our immigration lawyers in Manchester and London from just £35 to get detailed legal advice about immigration issues.

Book An Appointment From Just £35

What Happens During The Consultation?

During the immigration advice & consultation session, our experienced immigration solicitors will:

  • conduct a thorough assessment of your circumstances and immigration history;
  • advise you about the relevant immigration laws, procedures, requirements, and documents regarding the relevant immigration application;
  • advise you regarding the chances of success in your visa application;
  • advise you about the visa fees, and timescale for a decision to be made on your UK visa application;
  • highlight any weaknesses and strengths of your visa application so that the prospects of success can be increased, if possible;
  • advise you about costs concerning your UK visa application including Home Office fees, and our legal costs if you choose to instruct us;
  • answers all the questions you have with your UK visa and immigration application.

Immigration Lawyers Manchester free advice FAQs

Can immigration solicitors and lawyers in Manchester help with my UK visa application?

Yes, our Manchester best UK immigration lawyers can deal with your immigration matter remotely from our office. However, you are more than welcome to visit our office in Manchester.

Do our best UK immigration lawyers offer free immigration advice?

Our free immigration advice solicitors in Manchester can provide free immigration advice online. Ask a question to our free immigration solicitors concerning your UK visa and immigration matter.

How can I get free immigration advice UK?

If you need help with an immigration problem, you can contact us on 01614644140 or 07827126843 for free and confidential advice. You may need to book an appointment for detailed advice.

How much is a consultation with an immigration lawyer UK?

Our consultation fee is affordable and starts from £35.

Why book an appointment with deluxe Law Chambers?