Skilled Worker Dependant Visa Guidance 2025

Are you looking to bring your skilled worker dependant to the UK? If you are on a skilled worker visa, your partner and children can also apply to join you or stay in the UK as your ‘dependants’ if they’re eligible.

Who is dependant of a skilled worker?

If your partner or parent is applying or already has permission on the Skilled Worker route to undertake an eligible job role in the UK, and you are looking to accompany or join them, you will need to apply for a Skilled Worker Dependant visa.

  • Dependant partners – Partners applying for a skilled worker dependant visa must be over the age of 18 at the date of application.
  • Dependant children – Children applying for a skilled dependant worker visa must be under the age of 18 at the date of their first application. If they are over 16, they must not be leading an independent life.

What is a Dependant Visa and who is eligible to apply?

Your family members (‘dependants’) can travel with you or join you in the UK on a dependant visa. Your family members must obtain the visa before traveling to the UK unless their circumstances mean they have the right to live in the UK without needing a dependant visa.

Please refer to the Dependants applying in the UK section if your family member holds a UK visa and will be switching to a dependant visa. 

A ‘dependant’ is any of the following

  • Your husband, wife, or partner
  • Your child under 18, (a child aged 16-18 must not be leading an independent life)
  • Your child over 18 if they’re currently in the UK as a dependant

Skilled Worker Dependant visa eligibility requirements

Partners must be over the age of 18 at the time of application to join their partner holding a skilled worker visa.

You must be able to prove that either:

  • you’re in a civil partnership or marriage that’s recognised in the UK
  • you’ve been living together in a relationship for at least 2 years when you apply

In addition to satisfying the relationship requirement for a Skilled Worker Dependant visa, if you are applying from overseas and have not lived in the UK for 12 months, you must also meet the financial requirement. This means that, in addition to the £1,270 funds that the principal applicant will need to show, you must have a certain amount of money available to support yourself, unless your partner or parent’s UK sponsor is able to certify maintenance for the whole family.

Funds required for a skilled worker dependant visa

Your partner and children must have a certain amount of money available to support themselves while they’re in the UK.

You – or your partner or child – will need:

  • £285 for your partner
  • £315 for one child
  • £200 for each additional child

You – or your partner or child – will need to have had the money available for at least 28 days in a row. Day 28 must be within 31 days of you or them applying for this visa.

If the Skilled Worker is applying at the same time as the dependent applicant(s), this amount is in addition to the £1,270 maintenance funds they must demonstrate to show they can support themselves.

Dependant child of a skilled worker

When applying as a dependant child of a skilled worker, the child must be under the age of 18 at the date of the first application. If the child is over 16, the child must not be leading an independent life. If the child becomes over the age of 18 at the time of extension application, this will not have an adverse affect on the application and the child will be eligible for the extension.

According to the immigration rules of appendix skilled worker, the child’s other parent must be applying at the same time or already have permission to remain in the UK as a skilled worker dependant. You may be able to seek exemption if:

  • The Skilled Worker is the only surviving parent; or
  • The other parent is a British citizen or has Indefinite Leave to Remain and is resident in the UK;
  • The Skilled Worker has sole responsibility for the child; or
  • There are serious and compelling reasons in favour of granting the child permission.

Sole responsibility is a very high threshold to meet. You can arrange an appointment with our immigration lawyers to discuss your application of a skilled worker dependant visa.

skilled worker dependent visa fee

You can click here for skilled worker dependant visa fee.

Criminal records check for dependants of skilled workers

If the Skilled Worker is sponsored for a job listed in paragraph SW 16.1 of Appendix Skilled Worker, the dependent partner must provide a criminal record check from any country they have been present in since the age of 18 for 12 months or more (whether continuously or in total) in the 10 years before the application.

How to apply for a Skilled Worker dependant visa UK?

You can apply for a skilled worker dependant visa UK from inside and outside the UK. Our experienced immigration lawyers can assist you with the skilled worker-dependant partner and dependant child visa applications.

Apply from outside the UK

If applying for a Skilled Worker dependent visa from outside the UK, you will need to:

  • Complete an online application form separately for your partner and child
  • Submit the copy of the certificate of sponsorship or CoS number
  • Pay any application fees and immigration health surcharge
  • Book a biometric appointment at a local visa application centre in the country applying from
  • Upload all the supporting documents through VFS or TLS portal
  • Attend the biometric appointment to submit your passport, biometrics and a photograph
  • Wait for a decision

Apply from inside the UK

If applying for a Skilled Worker dependent visa from inside the UK, you will need to:

  • Prepare an online application form for the main applicant and then add the dependants in the same application form
  • Pay the immigration health surcharge and Home Office application fee
  • Book an appointment at the UKVCAS centre
  • Upload all the documents
  • Attend the biometric appointment
  • Wait for a decision

What a skilled worker dependant partner and child can do and cannot do?

Your partner or child can:

  • work, except as a sportsperson or coach
  • study
  • travel abroad and return to the UK
  • apply to settle permanently in the UK (also known as ‘indefinite leave to remain’) if they’ve lived in the UK for 5 years and meet the other eligibility requirements

They cannot apply for most benefits (public funds), or the State Pension.

If their application is successful, they’ll get a full list of what they can and cannot do.

How long does it take to process a Skilled Worker dependant visa?

Applications made outside the UK are normally processed within 3 weeks, while those made in the UK may take up to 8 weeks.

If time is of the essence, you may be able to use the priority service for an additional fee of £500 for a decision within 5 working days, or the super-priority service for an additional fee of £1000 for a decision within 1 working day.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a skilled worker dependant visa?

A skilled worker dependant visa allows spouses and children of skilled workers to live and work in the same country as the skilled worker.

How long can you stay in the UK under the Private Life Visa route?

Spouses and children under a certain age are eligible for a skilled worker dependant visa.

Can dependants of a skilled worker work under this visa?

Dependants of a skilled worker can usually work and study under the skilled worker dependant visa.

Can a skilled worker bring more than one dependant?

Yes, a skilled worker can usually bring multiple dependants under the skilled worker dependant visa.