Refund Of UK Priority Visa

Our immigration lawyers can help you to apply for refund of UK priority visa if your application was not decided within the legal timeframe.

What is a refund?

A refund is the return of a fee or payment for a product or service. The refund would be for either all or part of the fee paid for an application or service as set out in regulations, or for an overpayment of the fee. You can see the below table to understand if you are eligible for a refund of UK priority visa fee.

If you think you should get a refund of UK priority visa and you have not received it. You can contact our legal team to get the refund for you.

Refund of UK priority visa – Priority Visa (PV) and Super Priority Visa (SPV)

A refund of fees paid to expedite an application through the Priority or Super Priority service may be sought where the applicant has taken necessary steps to complete their application, but the application has not been considered within the published timescales. Speak to our expert refund lawyers for refund of UK priority visa fee. Refunds must be made in accordance with the table below which applies only to the priority and super priority fee:

CircumstancesApplication TypeAction
Withdrawn and the customer is entitled to a refund of their application fee.Priority and Super PriorityRefund full PV / SPV fee
Withdrawn and the customer is not entitled to a refund of their application fee (for example after biometrics have been submitted).Priority and Super PriorityNo Refund
VoidPriority and Super PriorityRefund full PV / SPV fee
Application rejected as invalidPriority and Super PriorityRefund full PV / SPV fee
Visa RefusedPriority and Super PriorityNo Refund
Non-complex application not processed in published timescales (official error – this excludes maladministration) Official error includes: IT error / failure; lack of resource to process the applicationPriority and Super PriorityRefund full PV fee
Non-complex application not processed in published timescales (official error –this excludes maladministration) Official error includes: IT error / failure; lack of resource to process the application; administrative
Priority and Super PriorityRefund full SPV fee
refund the difference
between PV and SPV
where the application
goes on to be processed
under the published
timescales for PV.
Application is determined within published timescales but (in country) is not communicated to the customer; or (out of
country) it is not communicated to the customer that their decision is available for
collection within the published timescales
Priority and Super PriorityRefund full PV / SPV fee
Application is excluded from the published
due to being assessed as complex
Priority and Super Priority
No refund
Excluded from the published timescales due to the customer not supplying required
in time for the application to be
considered within the published timescales
(this would not include invalid cases or submitting biometrics)
Priority and Super Priority
No refund

Refund for an invalid visa application

If an application is rejected as invalid it will not be considered. In these circumstances where a fee over £25 has been paid it must be refunded minus a £25 administrative charge, as specified in the Immigration and Nationality (Fees) Regulations. Where the fee paid is £25 or less, the whole fee will be retained.

Refund for an inappropriate / void visa application

If an individual submits an application which could never be considered or becomes such during the consideration process, either because of the status they already hold or because of the provisions of law, the application cannot proceed. In these circumstances, the application must be cancelled (voided) and the full fee refunded.

Visa fee refunds for Withdrawal applications

Where an application is withdrawn, the fee paid will only be refunded in the following circumstances:

  • where an application requires biometric data to be taken in order for the application to be considered, and the request to withdraw has been made before biometrics have been submitted – the refund will include the Priority Visa (PV) or Super Priority Visa (SPV) fees, if they have been paid and the £19.20 biometric enrolment fee for in country applications where this has been paid
  • where an application requires documents to be submitted at an application centre and the application is withdrawn prior to attendance at an application centre
  • where the application is being made using the UK Immigration: ID Check app (AUK2) and the application is withdrawn before the applicant has clicked the ‘confirm and upload’ button to either upload their supporting evidence or confirm that they have no evidence to upload
  • where an application is being made using UK Immigration: ID Check app (AUK2) and the applicant has not clicked the ‘confirm and upload’ button, the application is withdrawn before the specified period for submitting evidence has lapsed
  • where an application that does not require biometric data to be taken or attendance at an application centre, and the application is withdrawn within 7 calendar days of the application being submitted
  • where a citizenship ceremony fee has been paid and the citizenship application is withdrawn prior to a ceremony being arranged, the ceremony fee will be refunded

Types of UK Family visas

types of uK work visas

Why choose deluxe law chambers for super priority visa serivce?