How to stop immigration removal?

Immigration removal affects countless individuals and families worldwide. It is a legal process through which non-citizens are forcibly removed from the UK due to visa expiration, illegal entry, or other violations. While some argue this is necessary for border control, it often results in broken families, shattered dreams, and lost opportunities.

What Is Immigration Removal?

Immigration removal refers to the forced expulsion of individuals who do not have the legal right to stay in the UK. It’s often carried out by the Home Office through enforcement measures, including detention and deportation flights.

Who Is Affected from immigration removals?

Those impacted include asylum seekers whose claims have been rejected, individuals who overstayed their visas, and migrants with criminal convictions. Families, students, and workers are often caught in the crosshairs of strict immigration enforcement.

Challenging the decision to deport or remove you

If the Home Office informs you in writing that you must leave the UK, you have the right to challenge their decision. This written notice will include details on how to challenge the decision, providing essential guidance for the process. It is crucial to act promptly and carefully to ensure the best possible outcome.

Seeking help from an immigration specialist is highly recommended if you wish to challenge the Home Office’s decision. An immigration specialist will assess your specific circumstances, provide expert advice, and guide you through the appeal process. They can help you identify valid grounds to remain in the UK, such as:

  • Human Rights Claims: If leaving the UK would infringe on your fundamental human rights, such as your right to family or private life, you may have a strong case to stay.
  • Asylum Applications: If returning to your home country would put you at risk of persecution or harm, you can apply for asylum as a means to prevent removal.

Challenging a Home Office decision requires a well-prepared case, which includes gathering evidence, completing forms accurately, and adhering to strict deadlines. Our immigration solicitors at Deluxe Law Chambers ensures your case is handled effectively, increasing your chances of success.

Speak to Deluxe Law Chambers regarding your immigration removal